Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Speak Louder Than Words

"Actions speak louder than words, so believe what you see and forget what you heard."

What is true about life is that the actions we are willing to commit are much greater in showing others where we are in life than words alone. Words are very powerful, and heavily influence our actions, but words aren't always enough.

To show that we are really about what consumes our mind, and our mouths, we have to be willing to act!

Think positively, speak positively, and act positively. You may believe in yourself and your dreams with all of your heart, but if you never act on these things then you will never move one inch closer towards ever seeing them realized.

As you take steps each day towards the life you know that God has meant for you, be bold. Don't walk lightly, run to your dreams, run to your goals, and set the bar high, so that when you finally achieve them you may truly be satisfied!


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